Next floor endless dungeon
Next floor endless dungeon

next floor endless dungeon

"Defenders of the Inner Castle" is built around this, so it's intended to be played multiple times. The dungeons are endless, so you will likely not be able to finish them completely. You will also find multiple pick-ups to make you stronger, and stolen goods you can spend in the event store. Endless Dungeon Discover Amplitudes latest roguelite tactical action game set in the awarded Endless universe. While making your way as far as possible, you will encounter bandits and fight them for loot.

next floor endless dungeon

Your guards will enter the village cellars, a huge dungeon with countless rooms and floors, explore it step by step by opening up one field at a time. "Defenders of the Inner castle" is designed to be a dungeon crawler event. The "Defenders of the Inner Castle" event is on the way! Wandering bandits have infiltrated your village cellars! Send your elite guards into the depths below to stop the bandits and secure the stolen goods!


Alarm, alarm! Sire, wake up! Bandits were able to infiltrate the dungeons beneath our village and were able to steal our treasures! You have to send your best guards to get them back for you! They are the only ones who know how to navigate those old cellars.

Next floor endless dungeon